The Harmony Institute Bookstore
If you want to add one thing to your life that can affect everything you do and think, consider meditation. There are so many proven health benefits, and you will gain control over your mind.
How to Meditate by Lawrence LeShan
This is the book that sparked my interest in the similarites of the world's religions. The detailed story of how my research began can be found in the Preface of my book. I strongly recommend this book to everyone. Meditation is such a powerful tool; the sooner you get started the better!
Jewish Meditation : A Practical Guide Aryeh Kaplan
Kaplan shows that meditation is consistent with traditional Jewish thought and practice. The book presents a variety of meditative techniques to help make the reader a better person, and develop a closer relationship to God.
All Jewish people should read this book.
Science of Being and Art of Living : Transcendental Meditation by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the founder of Transcendental Meditation, and this one-of-a-kind book remains the definitive introduction to its practice. Since it was first published in 1963, the book has sold more than 1.1 million copies in the U.S. alone. In Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi unfolds his vision for bringing life to fulfillment through a simple, effortless technique that anyone can easily learn and enjoy. Currently, there are more than six million practitioners worldwide, with TM centers in more than 108 countries.
The Transcendental Meditation TM Book : How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life by Denise Denniston
This million copy best selling introduction to the Transcendental Meditation Program features entertaining cartoons, question and answer text, and over 40 scientific research charts documenting the effects of this powerful, proven technology for developing full individual potential and creating peace and coherence for the world. Like the TM technique, this book is simple, easy, effortless, effective and fun.
Meditation for Dummies Stephan Bodian
I don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence by implying that you're a dummy, but the "Dummy" books sometimes are very clear in their presentations and this book has received good reviews. If you have other Dummy books and you want to learn about meditation, this book is for you.
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= Gary Beckwith's comments
= This book was suggested by a Friend of the Harmony Institute.
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